A face mask or covering will be compulsory on public transport in Auckland and on all domestic flights from Thursday 18 November 2020.
Wearing a face mask or covering helps keep you and others safe and helps stop the spread of COVID-19.
A face mask or covering helps stop droplets spreading when someone speaks, laughs, coughs or sneezes. They are particularly useful when physical distancing is not possible.
ZOOM Pharmacy protective face mask with three layer protection, buy now!
The ZOOM Pharmacy disposable face mask has breathable three layer protection, elasticized ear loops, and a concealed adjustable nose clip.
Get 25 / 50 face masks for only $9.95 / $19.95 Buy now
How to put on your face mask
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
- Take out a face mask – holding it by the ear loops only
- Orientate your mask to get it ready to put on:
- top of your mask has the stiff bendable edge to it
- white side touches your face, blue side faces out
- Place a loop around each ear
- Mould or pinch the top stiff bendable edge to the bridge of your nose
- Pull the bottom of the mask over your mouth and chin
While wearing a face mask
- Do not touch the front of your mask, if you do, clean your hands and dry thoroughly
- Avoid touching your face or eyes
- Face masks should not be moved during use, this includes being pulled up, or pulled down below your nose, or chin
- Replace your mask if it becomes damp, damaged or soiled
- Do not re-use or try to disinfect single-use disposable face masks
How to remove your face mask
- Avoid touching the front of the mask – only touch the ear loops
- Hold both ear loops and gently lift and remove your mask
- Dispose mask in a closed lidded rubbish bin
- Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer
At Alert Levels 2 and above the risk of COVID-19 being present in the New Zealand community is higher. So, wearing a face covering or mask is more important.
Buy face masks now!
A face mask or covering will be compulsory on public transport in Auckland and on all domestic flights from Thursday 18 November 2020.
To buy Protective Face Masks simply click ‘Buy now’ below OR call 0508 966 622 OR order and pay on our website (go to the PRICING tab) OR let us know if you want to load your order into your ZOOM app so you can pay there.
Get 25 / 50 face masks for only $9.95 / $19.95 Buy now
Ministry of Health COVID-19 resources
For Ministry of Health assessment and testing information on who should get assessed for a COVID-19 test, how testing works and where to get tested, click here.
To read Ministry of Health protecting yourself and others from COVID-19 advice, click here.
To view Ministry of Health mental health and wellbeing resources and tools to support your mental wellbeing, click here.
Support Kiwi business
Support Kiwi business, ZOOM Pharmacy is proudly Kiwi. Get your meds delivered direct, and repeats organised for you. Check out the ZOOM Pharmacy Free Sachet Pack Service and get FREE prescriptions, sachet packing AND delivery! You can choose ZOOM Pharmacy in your patient portal or simply get your prescription sent to ZOOM. Call us now on 0508 966 622 and we’ll get you started!