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Don’t Delay Seeing the Doctor

You can trust ZOOM Pharmacy to make healthcare easy. That’s why ZOOM Pharmacy is on New Zealand’s leading online marketplaces. Because healthcare is about you.

The prospect of visiting and seeing the doctor can inspire negative thoughts in some. Many of us are guilty of conjuring up numerous reasons to delay a visit!

Aim to prevent making this mistake by inspiring a change in how you deal with your health. Or maybe a loved one is in need of these tips. This can be an especially useful conversation to have with your children once they have left the nest and are finding independence as young adults. 

Find a doctor you feel comfortable with

Consider what you feel you need from a doctor to feel comfortable and open. This may include gender, or age, or even personality. Explain to the doctor your worries, and request explanation when needed. Not all doctors suit one person, so sometimes a bit of exploring is needed.

Don’t be embarrassed

Unfortunately many health issues can be difficult to talk about to a loved one let alone a doctor. This may range from erectile disfunction issues, lumps and bumps in private areas, producing strange odours or developing ‘unusual’ habits. Standard tests, like some STI checks, breast examinations and smear tests can be a nerve-wracking and uncomfortable prospect. Luckily a doctor has seen everything. It would be an impossible challenge to shock them. It is normal to be nervous, but do not worry about the doctor judging, because they simply will not. 

Don’t self diagnose or under diagnose

This is especially essential in todays age of the internet. Doctors have trained for years and years to test and understand symptoms and diagnose. Self diagnosis is not the same. Feelings of lethargy might not be because more sleep is needed, but rather an indicator of anaemia or glandular fever. That unusual looking mole might not be a harmless beauty mark but rather the beginnings of melanoma. If ever in doubt, get it checked out.

You will not be entirely aware of what you need

Doctors also have the responsibility of prevention of poor health. This includes recommending and conducting tests for various cancers and illnesses and immunising against diseases that the average person will not know about. The doctor serves as your protector to prevent the decline of ones health.

Look after yourself

Looking after physical health is an essential part of self care. Just like you deserve time off, a bubble bath or a glass of wine, you deserve to maintain good physical health. By visiting the doctor you are taking care of yourself. Doctors can often raise and find solutions to health problems you have perhaps voluntarily suffered with – whether it be constipation issues, sore joints or other deficiencies. 

Make sure to follow through with GP advice

You have tackled the hurdle of visiting the doctor – congratulations! There is then a second hurdle many face, which is following their advice. Often this comes in the advice of taking prescription medication. Make things easier for yourself by asking your doctor to get your meds sent to your door via ZOOM Pharmacy.

Don’t pay extra for your your medicines

If you are taking a few prescription medicines, ZOOM Pharmacy makes managing your meds really easy. Prescription meds are delivered direct to your door, repeats organised for you.

Call 0508966622 and find out more about ZOOM’s great FREE Medicines Sachet Pack Service for patients on four meds or more!