Thank you for choosing ZOOM, we’re very proud and very grateful to be your Kiwi owned pharmacy!

Be in to WIN

Send your prescription to ZOOM before Christmas 2020 to get FREE* prescriptions. Plus, be in to WIN one of ten $25 Prezzy Cards!

Help your family save money too!

This great FREE offer is valid for your family’s prescriptions as well (your partner/spouse and dependent children aged 14-18).

Make sure you let ZOOM know they belong to your family, when they send their prescription to us.

What do I need to do?

Simply email us a photo/scan of your prescription OR use your patient portal OR  tell your medical centre to send it OR freepost / courier it yourself.

And remember, make sure you let ZOOM know they belong to your family, when they send their prescription to us.

‘World class’ customer care

We hope you enjoy ZOOM Pharmacy’s “world class” customer service and care – it’s second to none!

Got a question? FreePhone 0508 966 622

*Free offer covers the standard $5 prescription charge and is for fully funded medicines only.