As of 1st January 2025 Pharmac has temporarily changed the dispensing frequency for atorvastatin (Lorstat). For some of our patients taking atorvastatin this has been understandably disruptive. In this article we will explain the difference between stat and non-stat dispensing, reasons why your medicines can’t be dispensed all-at-once, and Pharmac’s decision on atorvastatin.
All-at-once dispensing: Otherwise known as stat dispensing, is where your pharmacist dispenses a 90-day supply of medicine. In some cases it may be a 180 day supply.
Non-stat medicines: Are medicines that Pharmac says can only be dispensed as a 30-day (or less) supply. Generally, a prescription with a 90-day supply would be split over 3 dispensing’s.
You may not be able to get an all-at-once dispensing of your whole prescription because:
There are certain circumstances where exceptions are made to limited dispensing. For example, if it is challenging to get to the pharmacy, or you are going away on an extended holiday.
Pharmac has advised that there is a supply shortage of the 20 mg tablet atorvastatin from the supplier Viatris. To avoid a possible supply issue, Pharmacy has removed all-at-once (stat) dispensing from atorvastatin 10 mg, 20 mg, 40 mg, and 80 mg.
Yes, it will return. For patients who are used to receiving their atorvastatin prescriptions all-at-once it can be disruptive to now have to get medicines dispensed non-stat. However, Pharmac has stated that it will return to all-at-once dispensing once the supplier can confirm uninterrupted supply.
ZOOM Pharmacy’s mission is to make medicines easy, but until this decision is made, we are unable to supply atorvastatin stat.
For the most up to date information we recommend visiting the Pharmac website – Pharmac Atorvastatin (Lorstat) 10, 20, 40, and 80 mg tabs: Monthly dispensing
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Monday to Friday between the hours of 8:30am-4:00pm.