Get together with a few friends and what seems to be a common topic of discussion for many – how can I lose weight fast!

In New Zealand one in three adults, and one in ten children, suffer from obesity. This topic is extremely important as obesity increases the risk of multiple diseases. These can include: heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, stroke, arthritis, several common cancers, sleep apnoea and reproductive issues, just to name a few.

NZ Unite Against Covid states that having morbid obesity (that is a BMI greater than 35) is a ‘high risk medical condition’ putting you at higher risk of severe illness from Covid.

Friendly middle aged women with a high BMI wanting to lose weight fast

How much weight do I need to lose?

There is growing concern that obese children will actually have shorter lives than their parents or grandparents and have more lifetime health problems as well.

Losing weight is a key step in reducing the risk of developing diseases and leading a healthier and happier lifestyle.

The good news with weight loss is that reducing only 5-10% of your body weight has shown significant improvements in your overall health, even if you never get to your ideal body weight.

How can I lose weight fast?

  • Cut the carbs
  • Swap a meal – try a meal replacement shake or a soup, for even just one meal a day
  • Stop snacking
  • Check your liquid intake – your calorie intake from liquids like smoothies, juices, beer, wine or soft drink can quickly add up
  • Eat over fewer hours – the longer we have without food overnight, the better. Ideally, leave 10-12 hours each day without any food, or stop eating by 6 or 7pm and not eat again until 8 or 9am


Diet and exercise just not working? Talk to your doctor to see if getting a prescription for a weight loss medicine is right for you.

Am I overweight?

What is an ideal body weight and how do you know if you are obese?


The first step is to understand what your Body Mass Index (BMI) is, this considers your height and weight and using a formula assess what category you fall into: underweight, normal, overweight, obese, or extremely obese.


It is important to note that the BMI formula does not account for the differences of muscle mass and fat content and those who engage in sports and physical training can have a higher BMI and still be healthy.

Starting your weight loss journey is important and working with support groups to help provide an exercise plan and advice around nutrition is a great first step.

Weight Management