Health and wellness are firmly in the spotlight during these tough financial times. Many people across New Zealand cannot afford to hold a good supply of medicines at home in advance of when they may need them.
Whether it is loved ones, employees, or beneficiaries of your charitable trust, help relieve their burden by giving them a ZOOM Pharmacy Health and Wellness Kit.
It shows you care and gives them a curated solution to managing symptoms and finding the road to recovery.
ZOOM Pharmacy has experts available now to help tailor solutions to your needs – as well as a variety of readymade kits designed to reduce and provide relief for symptoms associated with fever, pain, cold & flu, COVID and more.
Gift a Health and Wellness Home Care Kit to your members
During the recent Omicron outbreak, it became clear that many people cannot afford to hold medicines at home – just in case they need them. So a Home Care Kit makes a real difference when they are sick and unable to buy supplies.
For the people whose health you care about, help reduce the cost and take the stress out of effective at-home health and wellbeing care.
ZOOM has supported commercial groups and charitable trusts to curate thousands of Care Kits for all types of people in their care.
Receiving a Home Care Kit from ZOOM is “a big relief for all”
Curated by our team of healthcare experts, our Home Care Kits work to specifically reduce and provide relief for symptoms associated with fever, pain, cold & flu, COVID and more. They can also include vitamins and supplements as preventative healthcare options as we move into winter.
Our expertly designed Health and Wellness Home Care Kits are carefully hand-packed and serve a range of community, and workforce needs, including medicines support for children where appropriate.
One of ZOOM Pharmacy’s missions is to provide convenient and accessible health and wellness treatment plans that are affordable for all New Zealanders. If this sounds like a good fit with your workplace or community trust, give ZOOM a call.
Can we design our own health and wellness kit?
When you’re unwell, it can be hard to figure out which medicines and treatments you need and get them.
ZOOM Pharmacy’s team of experts will guide you on how best to care for your team, whether large or small.
If you want to gift your valued workforce or charitable trust members a customised Health and Wellness Home Care Kit, get in touch with ZOOM Pharmacy and design your own!
FreePhone 0508966622 to find out more