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What should I have in my first aid kit in NZ?

First Aid Kit

Are you wondering what you should keep in your First Aid Kit in NZ, or is the one you have, looking a little worse for wear?

Restock Your First Aid Kit

There are some great First Aid Kits you can buy which are well stocked and ready to go. Or maybe it’s just time to do a quick check and top up of your existing First Aid Kit.

If you are restocking the kit your already have, take the opportunity to give the container a good clean or wipe down before you pack your first aid items back in.

Basic First Aid Kit

We found this Basic First Aid Kit Checklist on the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) website.

I like it as it is not over the top, and everything in it just seems to make sense. The items it lists are certainly things that my family have needed or used at home over the years.


  • plasters/bandaids in a variety of different sizes and shapes
  • small, medium and large sterile gauze dressings
  • sticky tape
  • at least 2 sterile eye dressings
  • triangular bandages
  • crêpe rolled bandages
  • safety pins
  • disposable sterile gloves
  • tweezers
  • scissors
  • alcohol-free cleansing wipes
  • thermometer
  • skin rash cream, such as hydrocortisone or calendula
  • cream or spray to relieve insect bites and stings
  • antiseptic cream
  • painkillers such as paracetamol (or infant paracetamol for children), aspirin (not to be given to children under 16), or ibuprofen
  • antihistamine cream or tablets
  • distilled water for cleaning wounds
  • eye wash and eye bath


Keep your First Aid Kit in a place that you and your family can easily and quickly find – but safely out of reach of children.

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